
sábado, 19 de janeiro de 2013

Chapter 20


I couldn't remember much about what happened. I was fighting with Damion and then suddenly everything went black.

- Mr. Tyler, how are you feeling now?
- I'm feeling better thanks. - I replied to the nurse a bit irritated. I hated hospitals. Everything's white and there's this horrible smell. I hated it.
- Did you call my mom? - I asked.
- She said she would get here in some some hours. She's on her way.

My mom is always working, she doesn't have much time for me. I'm already used to it, so no need to feel pity for me.

- What about your dad?

After the nurse asked that question I looked at her with a look full of hatred.
I hated my dad.

“ Please stop!”
“ Daddy please let mommy go!”

Those memories kept haunting me.

- I don't have a dad. - I answered her.
- Oh... I'm so sorry. - The nurse said.
- When can I leave this place?
- Tomorrow or maybe this afternoon. It depends.
- Depends on what?
- Depends if you rest and stay calm.

I suddenly lay my head on my pillow. I didn't want to see my mom to be honest. She didn't care much about me. Maybe because I was always a troublemaker. Even since I was a kid... It has always been my fault hasn't it?


I couldn't believe me and Damion had almost kissed.
We became friends yesterday! How did all of this happen?
I just can't explain it. All of these feelings... What's happening to me?

I looked at Damion who was laughing at John's jokes and then I looked at Clair. 

Is Clair feeling this for John? I have to ask her...

- Mrs. Clair and Mrs. Beth I'm sorry but you'll have to leave now. Damion and John need to rest.

- Oh … okay. - Clair said and I nodded.
- Well rest while you can guys! In no time you'll have to clean classrooms! - Clair said and made everyone laugh.

- Have sweet dreams! - I said with a big smile on my face. Suddenly I looked at Damion but then looked away very fast. I was feeling so uncomfortable...

Me and Clair went on our way home.

quinta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2013

Chapter 19


Damion... His face... He's filled with ligatures... He really got hurt... And I... I let him get hurt so much.

I started to get closer to Damion's bed.

- D-D-Damion... You are... Are you feeling okay? How are you? - I said as I got next to his bed and sat in the chair that was near his side. My hands were now close to the bed. His hands were so hurt, I just wanted to touch them, I wanted to let Damion know I was there for him.

- I'm fine! Don't worry Beth! - He said with a big grin on his face.

I couldn't hold it in. My eyes were filling with water and I needed to let my tears come out.
I looked at the ground trying to hide my face while my hands were in his bed. I didn't want to show him my tears. He was the one who was hurt, not me.

- Beth? What's wrong? - He asked concerned.
- I'm... I'm sorry! - I started crying even more. My hands were now in my face.
- I'm sorry I couldn't do anything so you wouldn't get this hurt! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I just--

I suddenly got caught off as I felt big arms around me.
- Beth, I don't want to see you cry. Please don't cry. - He said while rubbing the back of my head up and down.
I took my hands off my face and held his strong back. My face was now against his shoulder. It was good knowing he was there. I looked at his face. I had never felt this before but... I just... His eyes, his mouth, everything about him, I wanted all of it. I wanted to kiss him so badly.

He took his hand off my hair and put it on my cheek. Our faces were so close right now.

- Damion... - I said as I felt my heart racing.
- Beth I....

Our faces were getting closer and closer...

- WHAT?! YOU HIT TYLER WITH ONE OF CLAIR'S CRUTCHES?! – John said excited as he suddenly opened the curtains.

Me and Damion let go of each other in embarrassment.

- JOHN! - Clair said as she hit his head.
- HEY THAT HURT! - John said.


I don't know what happened, but I just had this huge desire to feel her lips close to mine, to feel her skin close to mine, to feel her breath close to mine.

We both looked at each other at the same time and then I looked away.

- Yeah I did... - Beth said with her sweet voice while looking at John.
- In order to protect you Damion! - Clair pointed at me with a smile on her face - Yes! She likes you a lot, she just wanted to protect you and she ended up doing that.

I looked at Beth, she didn't seem to be very proud of what she did.
I grabbed her arm – Thank you Beth. If it wasn't you maybe I wouldn't have my gorgeous face anymore.

I wanted her to forget what she did.
Beth started giggling. I loved to hear her laugh.

- Pft As if, your face was never that gorgeous as you think. OH ! A random fact! Did you know that when we look at the mirror we see ourselves six times prettier than we are in reality?

- Are you trying to bring me down or something John? I mean... Johnny Boy - I asked him trying to tease him a bit.

- Oh... Johnny boy, I like that nickname. - Clair said.
- NOOOOOOOOOOOO. - John said not wanting to be called by that.

Everyone started laughing.

- Oh also guys, we will be punished in school. - Clair added.
- I was counting on that.. - I said not very amused.
- Yeah, but you weren't counting on Beth's suspension.
- What? - I looked at Beth – But she's a great student, she was never in problems and now... she only tried to protect me from that asshole!
- Don't worry Damion, it's only 2 days! - She said with a smile on her face.
- But still...
- Damion don't worry! Really !
- ...Fine, what's our punishment Clair?
- We will have to clean some classrooms after classes end.

We all sighed.

- Jesus I already have difficulties cleaning my room... How can I clean so many classrooms?! - John said a bit annoyed.

quarta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2013

Chapter 18


- Clair! - I said as I woke up.
“Where am I?” - I thought as I looked around the room I was at.

- Hospital bro! - I looked at my left side.
- My hero! - I said with a girly voice to silly Damion who was in the other bed. We started laughing.
- Hey it wasn't funny! - I said while laying down my head in my pillow.
- It was your first fight! I'm so proud of you Johnny boy!
- AAAGH don't call me that!
- Just look at your face! - Damion said.
- Well and you should look at yours! You look like a mummy.

We both looked at each other and started laughing.

- Really? Even in hospital we can't be serious. - I told him.
- True... So... were you dreaming about Clair? - He asked while teasing me.
- Clair! Right! How is she? What happened in the fight?
- I don't know either, I got unconscious during the fight... I wonder how Beth is too. I hope both her and Clair are alright.
- Oh... Seems like I'll be able to tease you.
- What do you mean? - Damion asked me confused.
- Beth and Damion are sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-NG
- SHUT UP! - He said while smiling and then his face got red as a tomato.
- HA! You like her!
- Maybe I do.

- Oh look who has awaken! - A nurse came to our room. You have some guests.
- Who? Our parents? - I asked.
- Oh no, your parents were already here, they already left.
She then looked at Damion – You're Damion right? I called your mom but she said she couldn't come now but she'll be here in the afternoon.
- Pft I knew it.

I looked at Damion concerned, his relationship with his mom was never really good. I just tried to change the subject.

- So who are the guests? - I asked.
- Two young ladies.
- Beth and Clair? - We both asked.
- Yes. - She answered and then opened the doors.

There they were.



Right after I saw John's face everything else didn't matter. He was everything in the room to me. If I could I would have ran towards him but I tried to go as fast as I could with the crutches. When I arrived at his side I left the crutches and put my arms around his neck. My face was rubbing against his.
- I'm so glad you're okay! I was so worried about you!
Suddenly I felt his big hands on my back and his face buried on my neck.
- Clair... I'm so glad you're okay too. I was so worried about you.
I felt his hot breath on my neck. Nothing had ever made me shiver so much.
- Please don't ever put yourself in danger because of me. It scared me when I saw you falling.

I suddenly put my hands on his face and looked at him straight in the eyes – For someone important in my life I'll do anything.

He looked at me surprised and then started laughing.
- Wha-what's so funny? - I said embarrassed and let go of him immediately.
- Nothing, nothing... How is your foot?
- It's good... don't worry.

Then I looked at Damion who was on the other bed.
- Damion how are you?! Oh my god your face!

I noticed he wasn't paying much attention to me, he couldn't keep his eyes off Beth.

- I'm gl-glad you're alright John. - Beth who stilll hadn't left the door's side said while getting closer to the beds.

Her eyes couldn't leave Damion's.
Suddenly John pushed me towards him and my ear was now close to his head. - Close the curtains! - He whispered.

I suddenly understood and closed the curtains, that way Damion and Beth would have their privacy.

Chapter 17


Me and Clair were now talking with the principal. Of course before that we washed our hands and changed shirts, our shirts were a bit covered in blood.
We were the only ones who didn't get unconscious so we were the only ones who could explain everything to him. He didn't let us go with John and Damion to the hospital. He said we would only go after explaining everything and hearing what he has to say.

- Well after hearing the whole story... You know that even if it was Tyler's fault, John, Damion and you, Ms.Beth will have to be punished.

- I understand... - I said.
- Principal, if I may, can I also join their punishment? - Clair asked.
- What? - Me and the principal both asked surprised.
- Clair, you don't have to be punished! You didn't do anything wrong! - I said concerned about her.
- I know, but... I want to. Please.
The principal sighed – Well if that's what you want. To me it doesn't make any sense.

Both me and Clair looked at the principal - Well then, John, Damion and you Ms. Clair will have to clean some classrooms after classes end. While you, Ms Beth, you'll be suspended for 2 days.
- Wait, she will get suspended?! But that's unfair! She only tried to protect Damion! - Clair said irritated.
- Clair don't worry, I understand....
- But ! - Clair looked at me and then at the principal. - Fine.
- Farewell, you can leave now.
- What about Tyler? - I asked.
- He will have a different punishment, you know he always caused us trouble. He's a troublemaker, always in fights. Some weeks ago he had gone suspended and now he's in trouble again... But don't worry I know just fine what I'll do.

Me and Beth left the room and we couldn't wait to go and visit John and Damion.

- I'm so worried about them... - I heard Beth's sad voice, she was very worried, specially about Damion. He looked worse than John.
- I bet they will be fine Beth! And just so you know, I really got surprised for what you did to Tyler! I admire your courage!
- I'm not very proud of it but I really had to do it.
- I understand Beth.

I gave her a big hug and she hugged back. We really needed to calm down.
We called a taxi and went straight to the hospital.
Yes we skipped classes.

Chapter 16


I couldn't believe what I was seeing. And I couldn't do anything!
- Clair! - I heard Beth's voice. She went to my side – Are you alright?!
- Yes! But please help Jo--

I suddenly saw John falling to his knees.
- Jo- John!

I crawled towards him.
I had his head on my lap now. He was bleeding so much from his nose.
- Please John! Wake up John! - I put my hand on his face. I couldn't handle it, I hated these situations. I could feel tears streaming down my face.

I looked around me, so many people watching what was happening, some were even taking pictures and videotaping this!

Tyler was now on top of Damion and he kept punching Damion like there was no tomorrow. All I could see was Tyler's hand full of blood.

- PLEASE STOP! - Beth screamed as she grabbed Tyler so he would stop punching Damion.
But it was no good, Tyler just pushed her and she fell on the floor.

- SOMEONE HELP! - I screamed.

Me and Beth were both in tears.

Beth couldn't take it anymore and that's when she did something I would have never imagined coming from her.
She grabbed one of my crutches and hit Tyler right in the head.

Tyler had fallen down.

In the end...my crutches were really good weapons.


I couldn't lose him.
I just couldn't.
I couldn't take it anymore. I had to do it.

Right after Tyler had fallen down, I went to check if Damion was alright.

- Damion? Damion?! - I sat beside him and put his head on my lap. - Please Damion!
My tears kept rolling down and ended up on his bloody face.
My hand kept on rubbing his head and face. I just needed him.

- What's going on here?! - Suddenly I saw the school's principal coming along with other teachers.

I didn't care about a thing at all. I just wanted... I wanted Damion to be alright. Both him and John.

terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2013

Chapter 15


“John! Didn't I told you to buy some eggs?!”
“ John! Go clean your room now! You're not even capable of doing that?”
“ John! What kind of grades are these?”

“...Why can't you be more like your brother?”

Those flashbacks remained in my mind. My parents should understand that I'm still a teenager and that is normal that at times I forget stuff.
Seriously, people with my age are just as clumsy and disorganized as I am. But what tickles me off the most is the fact that my parents keep comparing me to my older brother James. Seriously? Why won't they just accept me?
My problem is that I'm a very carefree person. I don't care much about stuff and sometimes I mess things up.

When your brother was your age he would clean his own room without us telling him to! And sometimes he would even prepare dinner for us.” I let out a sight and looked at the sky above me – Great, 8 am and I'm already tired of today. I hope this day gets better, really.

As I kept walking towards school – Hi John – I heard a familiar voice from behind me.
I turned around – Oh, hi Lisa.
- John... I'm sorry about yesterday. I really messed things up.
- Lisa, I'm sorry but I don't think I wanna talk to you now. - I said and then went inside school.
After what happened yesterday in the restaurant I just can't think of her as someone friendly. Clair was right about her.

- John wait up! - I heard another familiar voice. I turned around and saw a girl using crutches some meters away from me.
- Clair! - I walked towards her – How are you today?
- I'm fine thanks! I'm getting used to these crutches actually. They are good weapons as well! Let me show you!
- Oh I don't think that's a good id--

I suddenly felt something going against my head and felt my butt on the floor. I had just fallen.

- Damn it... - I mumbled while feeling a bit dizzy.
- John! Are you alright?! Are you stupid Tyler?! Don't you know where the beacon is? - I heard Clair's angry voice.
- Oh I'm so sorry John! I didn't notice you there! I thought it was a loser. Oh wait! There is a loser! Actually, there are two losers! -

I suddenly heard everyone laughing.
I can't stand on the floor, I have to do something.

I got up and looked at Tyler straight in the eyes.
- John... Forget about them. They don't deserve your time. - Clair said while looking at me with a sad look.

- Tyler, you think you're so funny... but look at you! Maybe the real loser here is you. You're trying so hard to cover yourself you need to try and create losers around you. But you know what? Me and Clair are certainly not losers.

I looked at Clair and smiled and then looked at Tyler again – Maybe you should think before you act.

- Did you call me a loser John? Did you just call me a loser?! Do you want me to break those little bones of yours? - He glared at me.

As I was about to say something back suddenly Clair grabbed my arm – Please John... That's enough. I looked at her – Clair... - She was scared.
- You know what Tyler? I've got stuff to do.
I turned my back on him and looked at Clair – Let's go Clair?
She just smiled at me.

As me and Clair started walking away I felt someone turning me around and then a punch in my face. I was feeling dizzy again.
- Let John go! - I heard Clair's voice.
- Shut up! - Tyler said and then pushed Clair to the floor.

After he pushed her to the floor, I felt so angry, so pissed off. Automatically I felt his face on my fist. I had just punched him.

- Oh John you have no idea where you got into. - Tyler said while glaring at me.

As he was about to punch me back I saw a brown curly hair guy getting in the middle and punch him. Tyler had just fallen to ground.

Chapter 14


- What was that all about? - I wondered as I looked at my cellphone.

I started to check what was different in it and suddenly a window popped up in the screen saying I had a new message.
- Don't tell me... - I said as I opened the message.

If you ever feel lonely just text me ;)
- Damion.

My cheeks were burning up. How can my life change so much in a day?
- I guess I'll just reply back. - I said with a big smile on my face as I sat down in the couch with Prince on my lap.



Thank you Damion :) You can count on me as well - Beth
I suddenly dropped my phone after reading Beth's message.
My heart had just skipped a beat.
What the hell is happening?I picked up my phone from the ground and kept going towards home.
My house's front door was now ahead of me. I started looking for my key so I could open the door but it seems that I couldn't find it.
DAMN IT. I probably forgot it at Beth's place.

Well... I won't go back to her house. My mom is probably at home so... I'll just knock on the door.

I hope this man she was talking about isn't there...I knocked on the door and as my mom opened the door I could see behind her a tall slim man. He had brown eyes and he had a very pale skin.

- Thank god you're here! I was starting to get worried! - She said after opening the door.
- You worried so much you didn't even call me. - I said a bit angry at her.
- I thought you were alright, after all you're already 17 years old, I thought you were responsible enough to know what you're doing. Come in.

I had no answer to that. That's something that I like about my mom, she gives me enough space. Although her attitude was a bit unexpected since I would never get home at this time. Normally I would have arrived earlier.

I heard the door behind me closing – Damion, this is George. - I looked at the man in front of me – Hi kid – George said as he approached his hand to mine so I could give him a handshake. - I'm Damion - I said while shaking his hand.
- Good! Now that you both know each other we can hang out more often! - I heard my mom's voice.
I stared at my mom with an unpleasant impression.

- I'm going to my room. - I said and then went upstairs.
After getting into my room I closed the door and lay down on my bed. I could feel the pillow against my face, it was warm and comfy. Suddenly I couldn't handle it anymore and felt a tear rolling down my face, and then another tear until my warm and comfy pillow became cold and uncomfortable. I couldn't stand it anymore, my mom was being selfish. Or... was I the one being selfish?
I can't understand it. I'm tired of meeting men and I'm tired of having to always sacrifice myself so she can be happy and then sad.

Suddenly I heard a beep coming from my phone.
Hey Damion, I just wanted to let you know that you forgot your keys in my house... Don't worry! I'll bring them tomorrow to you. - Beth

I smiled at her text. She has such a perfect timing...
Thank you Beth... Thank you for everything. - I texted her as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

I kept staring at my phone.
She's special...She really is.

Oh... You don't have to thank me really... I am the one who has to thank you. You were my first friend, and the first who noticed me. You protected me from those bullies and you made me more confident about myself for some reason... If I'm friends with John and Clair it's also thanks to you.
I admire you a lot.
Thank you.

After this big text, I could feel my head getting hotter. My tears were completely dry after that text.

I couldn't stop smiling at my phone.Oh god that felt so cheesy! Just forget what I said LOLBeth.

I burst out laughing with that last text of hers. She sent it 5 seconds later!
I couldn't stop laughing and now I was crying tears of joy.
She really is special.

You have no idea how much you made me laugh now. I really needed that. I think you're amazing Beth. I admire you too. -

- Damion! Come down stairs it's time for dinner! - I heard my mother's voice.
- I'm coming mom! - I said not very amused. But...I was happy now. Beth had just made my day.