
sábado, 19 de janeiro de 2013

Chapter 20


I couldn't remember much about what happened. I was fighting with Damion and then suddenly everything went black.

- Mr. Tyler, how are you feeling now?
- I'm feeling better thanks. - I replied to the nurse a bit irritated. I hated hospitals. Everything's white and there's this horrible smell. I hated it.
- Did you call my mom? - I asked.
- She said she would get here in some some hours. She's on her way.

My mom is always working, she doesn't have much time for me. I'm already used to it, so no need to feel pity for me.

- What about your dad?

After the nurse asked that question I looked at her with a look full of hatred.
I hated my dad.

“ Please stop!”
“ Daddy please let mommy go!”

Those memories kept haunting me.

- I don't have a dad. - I answered her.
- Oh... I'm so sorry. - The nurse said.
- When can I leave this place?
- Tomorrow or maybe this afternoon. It depends.
- Depends on what?
- Depends if you rest and stay calm.

I suddenly lay my head on my pillow. I didn't want to see my mom to be honest. She didn't care much about me. Maybe because I was always a troublemaker. Even since I was a kid... It has always been my fault hasn't it?


I couldn't believe me and Damion had almost kissed.
We became friends yesterday! How did all of this happen?
I just can't explain it. All of these feelings... What's happening to me?

I looked at Damion who was laughing at John's jokes and then I looked at Clair. 

Is Clair feeling this for John? I have to ask her...

- Mrs. Clair and Mrs. Beth I'm sorry but you'll have to leave now. Damion and John need to rest.

- Oh … okay. - Clair said and I nodded.
- Well rest while you can guys! In no time you'll have to clean classrooms! - Clair said and made everyone laugh.

- Have sweet dreams! - I said with a big smile on my face. Suddenly I looked at Damion but then looked away very fast. I was feeling so uncomfortable...

Me and Clair went on our way home.

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