
quinta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2012

Chapter 13


After eating the pizzas we went back to the couch and started chatting a bit.
John explained what had happened between him and Lisa, we watched a little bit more of tv and suddenly my phone started ringing.
I picked up the phone – Hello?
- Clair! The nurse from your school called me! How are you?! – I heard my dad’s voice.
Don't worry dad I already went to the hospital and everything's fine now, I'm using crutches.
- Oh dear god! I'm so sorry darling... Did you go by yourself? I'm such a bad father. But don't worry I asked my boss if I could leave early and he didn't mind. I’m on my way home.
I didn’t go alone – I looked at Beth, Damion and John – I went with three friends of mine. I’m not at home now, I’m at a friend’s house.
-I see, I’m glad you didn’t go alone. Tell me where your friend’s house is and I’ll pick you up.

I explained where Beth’s house was and after 15 minutes or so he had arrived.
I looked at my new friends. – Thank you guys really. Today was such a big day! I hope tomorrow we can be together just like today.
- Yeah! It was a really big day – John said.
Beth helped me getting up since she was closer to me and then I left her house.


It was now 5 pm.
I couldn’t stop thinking about my mom now. Is she worried?I looked at my cell phone. There weren’t any notifications there. Whatever.
After chatting a little bit more and watching tv, John too had now left the house.

Damn it… Now I’m feeling a bit uncomfortable…Maybe I should leave too. Besides, her parents are probably almost home so maybe I should really leave.

Well maybe I should be leaving too… Your parents are probably almost home so… - I said while scratching the back of my head.
- Oh… my parents… they’re not coming today.
I looked at her – What? How so? – I suddenly remembered how the fridge didn’t have much food.
- Well… My parents are owners of a big factory and sometimes they have to travel. They went travelling 2 days ago or so. They’ll come back tomrrow or after tomorrow.
- I see… - I said while looking at her. She was feeling a bit sad, I could notice.
- But don’t worry Damion! Besides I have my Prince with me!
- WHAT PRINCE? – I suddenly understood I had spoken a bit loud – Sorry! – I said and then she started laughing. I really am stupid ain’t I?
This Prince dummy! – She said as she grabbed her Labrador.
I looked at the ground embarrassed – I’m very dummy.
- Yes you are. – She said with a big smile on her face.

We stared at each other for a few seconds but then I turned away.
- Well I should get going, my mom is probably worried. Probably not since she didn’t call me but…
Oh okay… It was nice having you here Damion. You and the rest of the group. Today was probably one of the best days of my life.
I smiled at her – I had a really great time here. Can you give me your phone for a second?
- Wh-what for? – She said a bit curious.
- You’ll see!

She gave me her phone and I turned around so she wouldn’t see what I was doing.
After I finished I gave her the phone back.

- What did you do? – She put Prince on the ground and started checking some things on her cell phone.

- Oh nothing, nothing… Well it’s time to leave then. Bye Prince – I said as I pet her dog – And see you tomorrow Beth! – I said before walking out the door.

domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2012

Chapter 12


Forget the idea of going to McDonalds. We decided to go to my place and have lunch there.
We had forgotten something important. The wheelchair Clair was using was not hers, it was from the hospital. However, the nurse that had taken care of her was very kind and lent her crutches. We didn't want Clair to force her foot so we decided to lunch at my place instead.
They were all amazed because my house was big.

- Wow Beth! Your house is really big! - Clair said.
- Yeah... Sometimes I wish it wasn't.

I heard Prince barking – Prince my boy! - I said as Prince started smelling my guests, he wanted play with them.

- Aw he's so cute! - Damion said as he pet him.
- He really is! - John said as he pet him as well – Well let's take Clair to the couch first before playing with this fella.

I guided Clair and the rest of the group to the living room where the couch was at and turned the tv on. I noticed John ended up sitting next to Clair while me and Damion returned to play with Prince.

I looked at Damion - He's very friendly isn't he?
- Yeah – Damion smiled and kept playing with him.
- I found him yesterday abandoned on my way home. - I said as I got closer to Prince and to Damion.
- Really? How can someone have the courage to abandon this little guy?
- Don't ask me, I don't think I'd have the courage to do it, it would hurt a lot. - I replied back. - But at least he's with me now.
- He's in good hands. - Damion said with a smile on his face.

I didn't say a thing, Damion has this huge ability to make me happy for some reason.

- So! Let's start making lunch! - John said from the living room.
- Oh don't worry about it John! I have two pizzas here on the fridge! We just need to put them in the oven.
- Oh okay! - John stood up – I'll go get the dishes, the forks and those stuff then.
- I feel bad, I will not be able to help... - Clair said while feeling a bit useless.
- Don't worry Clair, this is easy to do really. - I told Clair from the kitchen.

Damion stopped playing with Prince – Well let's go get some pizza!
After Damion, John and I washed our hands we started to do diverse things in order to get lunch done at least before 3 pm.


I went to Beth's fridge so I would take the pizzas off. I noticed she didn't have much food in the fridge. Is she living alone or something?
I found the pizzas and took them off.  Damn they were cold! - I thought as I put them down on the table that was in front of me.

Beth looked at me - Great Damion ! Let's start putting those pizzas in the oven. As Beth opened the oven I grabbed the pizzas and put them inside of it.

- The table is ready! - John said from the living room.
- Okay! Now we have to wait half an hour for the pizzas to get ready. - Beth said as she looked at John.

It was now 2:15 pm, so at 2: 45 pm “The Hunger Games” would start. Haha just kidding. But seriously.

Me and Beth went to the living room and sat next to Clair and John.
Meanwhile waiting for the pizzas to get ready, we were watching Fox on tv. American Dad for the win!
We couldn't stop laughing it was just hilarious.

- Roger is just awesome. - Beth said and everyone nodded.
- Everything from this show is so random and yet so hilarious. - Clair added.

I think our cheeks were already hurting to be honest, we couldn't stop laughing with the show.

Half an hour had passed and it was now time to eat the pizzas.

Chapter 11


It was now 1:30 pm and I was having lunch with Lisa.
I'm totally surprised. Normally it's me who asks her all the time to have lunch with me and she would always say no. So, yeah, it's very surprising.

- So yeah me and Christina went to the mall and bought three t-shirts! They were so cool, one said, like, “Be a star, Be someone” …

Somehow I'm still thinking about what had happened between me and Clair. Why did she react like that?


I am really stupid ain't I?

- WHAT?!

Suddenly I noticed how I had replied to Lisa.

- I'm sorry Lisa! It's just that I'm having so many things in my mind.
- Oh wait, let me think, does it involve someone who has a broken foot?! - She asked me a bit aggressive.
- Yeah. - I answered.
- Listen, girls like her aren't worth thinking about – She suddenly grabbed my hands – She only cares about herself. Didn't you see how she talked to you? She's stupid and childish. She's probably like that because her parents don't care about her.

I looked at her, almost speechless for what I had just heard, how could she say such things? – What are you saying Lisa? I guess Clair was completely right about you and about me. I'm stupid for hanging out with you really - I suddenly moved away my hands from hers and left the table we were at.

- John! Get back here!
- I'M NOT YOUR PET. - I replied back. Everyone in the restaurant was now looking at us.

I can't believe I actually just said that. - I thought to myself as I left the restaurant. I'm going to the hospital and visit Clair.


After making the exams the nurse was now taking me to Beth and Damion's side.
I could see they really were getting along well with each other. Actually, they would make a good couple.

- Clair! How did it go? - Beth asked after standing up and after I had arrived.
- It went fine! Well my foot is broken but they said I'd just have to use crutches and to be careful so I won't hurt my foot. They put lots of ligatures as you can see – I pointed to my foot – But yeah I'm cool now. Oh! Also I have to start going to physiotherapy, maybe in 2 months my foot won't bother me again.

- Well what matters is that you'll be alright. - Damion said.
- Clair!

Suddenly we all looked at the hospital's front door.
A blonde guy was at the front door, he looked like an angel because of the light that came from the outside. He started walking towards us.

- John? - I looked at him – What are you doing here?
He looked at me with a sad look in his eyes - I'm sorry Clair. I was an idiot. Lisa is not what I thought she was. I kept thinking about what had happened between us, I really want to fix things.
- John... I think I'm the one who should apologize to you. I shouldn't have interfered in your life. Can you forgive me?

And suddenly I felt John's arms around my neck.
- We're just idiots.
I smiled – Yes we are - I put my arms around his back.
After awhile we let go of each other – Wow you're really small now! - He said trying to tease me for being in a wheelchair.
- Haha how funny! - I said sarcastically and punched him in the shoulder.

We heard someone coughing – Hi John! My name is Damion nice to meet you. This is Beth. - Me, John and Beth started laughing.
- So what did the doctor say? - John asked me.
After explaining everything to John, Beth took a look at the clock - Wow! It's already 2 pm ! Who's hungry? - Beth asked.

Everyone had raised their hand, including me.

- Well I didn't eat much when I was having lunch so yeah. - John said.
- How about we go to McDonalds or something? - Damion suggested.
- Sounds good to me! - I said.
- Let's go then! - Beth said excited.

Chapter 10


We had just arrived to the hospital. No one had said a thing yet.

Awkward... - I thought.

I understand Clair, after all, I didn't like Lisa and Amy either. They were sluts in my opinion. I don't understand what boys see in them, they are just stupid.
Me and Damion were now both helping Clair getting to the hospital, the front door was ahead of us.

- Guys... I'm sorry... I just...I feel so mad! - Clair said while looking at the ground.
I looked at her - I understand Clair, I felt Lisa and Amy being fake, I don't like them one bit.

Damion didn't say a thing, probably because of John. After all, they were best friends.
We were now in the hospital.
Damion and I saw a chair and helped Clair sitting there while we went looking for someone who could help us to set an appointment for her so she could make exams.
We went to the balcony and set an appointment with the lady who was there. She gave us a ticket so when it was our turn she would call us, she also called someone to give us a wheelchair so it would be easier for Clair and for us.
We went to Clair's side and sat on the chairs that were on her side as well. A nurse appeared with a wheelchair and helped Clair sitting on it. I noticed she was feeling better physically but not emotionally.

- Clair... are you okay? I know you're not alright when it comes to the foot but, I feel like you're very uncomfortable right now. Is it because of John? - I asked her.

Clair looked at me – I just... hate hospitals. It reminds me of how my mom died you know... This specific smell, the white walls, everything.

- I'm so sorry Clair... - I apologized while putting an arm around her shoulders. I wish I didn't ask anything.

Damion looked at the ground, and I could see he was uncomfortable too. After all, he left his best friend alone and came along with us. But... why did he come with us? He didn't talk much with Clair as well...
- Clair Florence. - A woman called.

A nurse came over to help her getting to the room.

The nurse looked at us - She'll return in awhile!

Me and Damion nodded.


My head was filled with thoughts about my mom, about John, about Tyler and about Beth.

Why am I feeling so protective over I looked at Beth – her?She suddenly caught me looking at her. I just looked away.

What am I doing?
- Damion... Why did you come with us? - She asked me curious – It's not that I want you here! Please don't think that, it's just... I know you've never talked much with Clair and … well... you just got to know me better today. Is there any reason in particular that you've come with us?

I looked at her and just … couldn't say a thing.

- Damion? Sorry... Maybe I shouldn't have asked... - She moved her curly hair out of her face and put it behind her ear.

- Don't apologize. I … well, you're right. I've only got to know you better today and I've never talked much with Clair...but...I consider you friends and I … - I looked at Beth – I'm having some problems with my mom.

I started to look at the ground, I don't like to talk much about my life to others but... somehow... I feel like I can talk with Beth about this. About me.

- I see... If you need someone to talk to I'll be here. - She said as she put her hand on my shoulder.

- Well... You see... I – I looked at Beth, and suddenly felt better, I don't know what it was, if it was just the simple fact that she was there and didn't mind listening to my problems or noticing her beautiful eyes behind those glasses she was wearing.

- Take off your glasses. - I told her.
She suddenly put her hands on her face. - What?My glasses? What for? - She asked confused.

-Just... do it.
She took off her glasses and kept them safe in her hands.
Her eyes were beautiful. They were brown but, even though it was such a regular color, her eyes made me feel safe. Those eyes made me feel calm, hopeful that everything would be alright.
I smiled – Thank you Beth. You have beautiful eyes.

- Oh... Well I don't know what I did but I'm glad I helped... And thank you Damion.- She said while giggling and looking at the ground. - You know I always thought my eyes were boring to be honest, brown is such a regular color, everyone has it! I … I wish I had the color of your eyes for an example. They are different, special. I love your eyes. - She suddenly looked at me and then turned away.

I couldn't help but to giggle. - Thank you. You know I think the color of the eyes doesn't matter much, what matters is the intensity of it. Your eyes are intense. I truly believe in the sentence “ The eyes are the soul's mirror.” you know... In the end the color doesn't matter. What matters is its expression.

She looked at me surprised by what I had said. Was I too cheesy?
I'm sorry! - I said while laughing. I was getting nervous for some reason.


AARGH – I stood up and started scratching my head with both hands. I turned my back on her. I couldn't look at her now. I just couldn't.
And suddenly I heard her laughter, but this time, it wasn't just a simple giggle, it was a really big laughter.

I turned around and saw her face. She was laughing so much.

- I'm sorry but you're so funny Damion!

For some reason that calmed me down and started laughing as well. However, this time, I wasn't laughing because I was nervous, I was laughing because of her. Because of her laughter, because of her smile.

- Well, don't mind me – She giggled – But now I'm going to wear my glasses again or else I won't be able to know if that's a chair – She pointed to the chair I was about to sit on again - or an elephant.
I smiled – Go ahead.

Chapter 9


- Don't worry Beth really! I'm fine now. - I tried to calm Beth a bit, she was stressing over this more than I was.

- Clair, I know we just talked a bit in the lockers room and you probably don't consider me a friend but... I consider you a friend of mine and, if you don't mind, do you think I could go to the hospital with you and with John?

- Aww Beth you're my friend! And of course you can come with us. - After saying that I gave her a huge hug. She hugged back after awhile.

- Oh look they're best friends now! - I heard a familiar voice on the door. Oh no...Not again. 
It was Amy on the door and I could see Lisa was there as well. Damion and John returned from the talk they were having and saw them too.

- Oh look Damion is here too! - Amy said.

- What are you doing here? Get out! I don't want you here.

Where the hell was Ms. Lilly?!
I'm here to apologize.
- Oh of course you are! I don't need your fake apologies.
- Listen Clair, I'm sorry for what happened I really didn't want this to happen to you.
- Hm Hm. - I simply nodded and didn't give a damn about what she was saying. I knew it was fake.
- How is your foot? - Lisa asked.
- Her foot is fine, she just needs to make some exams. - John replied to her.
- Yeah, now that you know how she is you can leave. - Beth said to both Lisa and Amy.
- Really Beth? Why are you and Clair treating us like this? It was an accident. - Lisa replied back.
John got closer to Lisa - It was not an accident, I saw it Lisa. Amy pushed Clair and your attitude was just mean.

- Cmon John, you're not mad at me are you?

John didn't answer.

- John talk to me! - Lisa begged for his reply.

Who does she think she is to treat him like that? Lisa was now getting closer to John, her hands were now landed on his chest and her head on his neck.

- Please John... Talk with me...

Lisa... - John replied.

The way he was looking at her... I don't want to be here, it was annoying me. - What's with all this fuss?! - Ms. Lilly suddenly appeared in the room. HALLELLUYAH.

Please you've got to leave the room. Also, Clair your taxi has arrived.
- Oh nice, Beth can you help me getting up?
- Sure!
Beth helped me getting up and Amy and Lisa started leaving the room.
John was still looking at Lisa, he's so stupid.
Let's go Beth. - I said.
- Yeah!
- Wait! Beth are you going to the hospital as well? - Damion asked her.
- Yeah.
- Can I go with you?
- Oh! Sure! - I replied to him.

As Beth was helping me leaving the infirmary, I could see John was coming along.

- John you don't need to come, I think you have some problems to solve. - I told him.
- Wh-what are you talking about? - John asked.
- I think Lisa is waiting for you. - I pointed at her, she was some meters away from us.
- Cmon Clair! I wanna go with you guys, you know I do!
- No John, you have some matters to solve, I thank you for everything you've done to me but as you see I'm with Damion and with Beth you can go now and do your life.
- Why are you talking to me like that?!
- Oh! To me you can complain but with her you just can't! You like to be treated like crap don't you?! Specially treated by girls like those!
- Calm down guys... - Beth said a bit worried.
- You know what Clair?! Now I don't wanna go and you know what?! I don't care anymore.
- John! - Damion called him, but John just kept walking towards Lisa.
After he arrived at her side she winked at me.
She had what she wanted. What a bitch.
We got into the taxi and went to the hospital. Through all the way to the hospital no one said a thing.

Chapter 8


Beth is totally different now. She really is different from what I thought. 
I was in the lockers room having a shower now. The water has never felt so good.
Nothing better than a shower after P.E classes!
- Hey Damion! - My classmate Tyler said. He was taking a shower as well.
- Hi Tyler.

I don't trust this guy that much to be honest. He's always in trouble. One day he got into a fight and I had to step in or else he would have gotten all beaten up. He just doesn't care about anything or anyone. This guy here didn't even thank me for having stepped in and stopped the fight.

- Why didn't you choose Amy to pair up with you? - Tyler asked me.
I kept washing my hair – Because I chose someone else.
- Yeah, I noticed you chose that girl... what is her name again? Four eyes? - He started looking at everyone who was in the lockers room to see if someone had started laughing and , of course, some guys were laughing, including himself.
I looked at his brown eyes very serious – Her name is Beth. Beth Morris.

- Oh Beth...yeah I had forgotten her name, she doesn't talk to anyone, oh wait, now she does. Is she trying to flirt with you?

I turned off the water since I had already washed myself. Looked at him and said:

- What's your problem Tyler? Do you want to make people laugh? Is that it? Why don't you make jokes about yourself? I bet you have more things in your life to laugh about than me or Beth.
- What are you saying Damion? Do you have something to tell me? - He then started pushing me.
- Wow, watch out Tyler are you going to rape me?

Everyone burst out laughing.

- Shut up! - Tyler was about to raise his fist to hit me when suddenly our P.E teacher appeared in the lockers room.
-What is happening here?!
- Nothing teacher, nothing. - Tyler said and then left the shower zone. He was now wearing his clothes.

I left the shower zone too and went to the place where my bag with my clothes were at.

Pf poor guy, he has no chance against me. Also... it's time to hurry up so I'll meet up with Beth and visit Clair.

Clair was now sitting on the bed while I was sitting on a chair in front of her. We were waiting for the taxi to arrive so we could go to the hospital. It was now 12:00 pm and the taxi would arrive at 12:15 pm.

- We just have to wait a little longer, more 15 minutes! - I told Clair after checking the clock.

Clair looked at me smiling while taking her dark hair out of her face with her hand - Okay.

- Guess who's back, back again, Damion's back, tell your friend! - I heard Damion's voice and a girly laughter after his copy of Eminem's song. They were now entering the room.

- DAMION! What are you doing here? - I said as I stood up.
 - JOHN! I'm here to visit Clair. But I'm not alone. - As he said that Beth, our classmate, appeared behind his back.
- Hi John! Hi Clair! - She said as she got closer to Clair.
- How are you feeling now Clair? How is your foot?
- I broke my foot... I have to go to the hospital to make some exams and then I'll have to walk with crutches for awhile I think...
- Oh my god! Damn that Amy! - Beth said irritated. - Are you going alone to the hospital?
I looked at Beth. - No, I'm going with her.

Damion looked at me sort of shocked.

- You are? - Beth asked me.
- He is? - Damion asked.
- Yes I am! Why is everyone so shocked?
Damion grabbed my shoulder - Oh for nothing,nothing... John can I talk with you for a second? - He then grabbed my arm and pushed me to another part of the room.
- Since when did you start caring about Clair? I thought you only had eyes for Lisa.
- And since when did you start caring about Beth? - I replied back sarcastically.
Damion started laughing – Fair enough.
- Don't get the wrong idea, Clair is just a friend. I didn't forget Lisa.
- Sure, of course Clair is just a friend.

I started scratching my head in embarrassment. I was being teased by Damion.

- Haha cmon Johnny boy! No need to be embarrassed! - He said after putting his arm on my shoulder. I hated it when he called me Johnny boy. 

Chapter 7



- Agh! - Clair let out another scream as we were almost reaching the infirmary.
- I'm sorry Clair! - I apologized to her, maybe I was walking too fast.
- You...You don't have to apologize John, thank you for helping me.

We kept walking and we had finally reached the infirmary.
- Hello? Please we need help! - I said after knocking on the door.

Suddenly a woman with brown hair in a ponytail opened the door. She was probably around 34 years old or so.

- I think I broke my foot. - Clair said in a bit of pain.
- Please come in. I'll check it right away. What are your names?
- John and Clair – I answered her.
- Clair can you please lie down on that bed?
- Okay. - Clair answered.

Me and Clair kept walking until we reached the bed.
I helped Clair sitting on the bed and, after Clair lifted her left leg so she could lie down on the bed, when she tried to lift her right leg she let out a slight scream. That was the leg that had the damaged foot.
- Clair! Are you okay? - I asked worried.
-John can you help her? I'm just finishing putting your names here.

Pff she totally deserves the salary at the end of the month for sure. - I thought.

- Don't worry Clair I'll help you. - I told Clair so she could calm down.

I grabbed Clair's right leg very carefully so I wouldn't hurt her. While I grabbed her leg I suddenly looked at Clair's dark curly hair starting to lie down on the bed very calmly, she had closed her eyes now. Her hair was beautiful. Her pale skin, the way she was lied down, her red lips and her closed eyes reminded me of Snow White.

- Hey are you going to keep staring at her or will you lay down her leg already?

After hearing that question I accidentally dropped her leg.

Crap! What the hell am I doing?!

-AGH!! - Clair screamed in pain.
-I'm so sorry! - I apologized to Clair. How embarrassing!
- Don't worry Clair, I'll take care of you now. By the way my name is Lilly.

I sat down on a chair and saw Ms. Lilly checking her foot. Every time Ms. Lilly would move Clair's foot she would get in pain. Damn that Amy... This is something really bad.

- Well Clair, I think you'll have to walk with crutches. I'll call your parents so you can go to the Hospital make some exams. This foot is broken that's for sure. The best I can do for now so the pain will calm down is giving you this pill and wrap your foot in some ligatures.

- Oh no... - Clair said as she put her hand in her head.
- Do you have anyone at home? - Ms. Lilly asked her.
- At the moment no... My dad will be working until late today.
- What about your mother?

After that question there was a huge silence.

- My mom passed away some years ago... - Clair replied to Ms. Lilly while looking away.
- I'm sorry... - Ms. Lilly replied. She got very uncomfortable with the situation.
- You don't have to apologize! - Clair said while looking at Ms. Lilly's face. She was trying to hide the sadness I could notice.
- I'll go with her to the hospital. - I said after standing up.

They both looked at me, and I could see Clair was sort of shocked with my reaction.

- We're friends Clair. I'd totally do that for you.

Yes, I know I had never talked much with her but... she seems like a wonderful person, and what Amy had done to her was just horrible. I want to help her.

- You don't have to feel pity for me John. - She said while looking away.
- Look at me Clair! I don't feel pity for you, I just want to be with you. I want to help you.

Suddenly those words were out, what had I just said?
Clair was looking at me, shocked, however, she showed a smile.

- Thank you John.


After the incident with Clair, everyone had got back to training. Since Amy was missing her partner and Lisa too , they both teamed up.
Me and Damion were now throwing the basket ball to each other.

- I can't believe Amy did something like that to Clair! I wonder if she's alright. - I told Damion before throwing the ball at him.
- I thought Amy was a nice girl, I guess I was wrong. - Damion said and then threw the ball at me.
- Her? A nice girl? If only you knew what Lisa and her say about people... - I threw the ball at him a bit harder. Amy and Lisa just pissed me off.
- Hey calm down. - He said after receiving the ball and then started giggling.
- Why are you giggling? - I asked confused. I ended up smiling as well, he was making me smile with his giggles.
He started walking towards me with the ball in his hands. Damion was now in front of me, looking at me with those eyes. Those sparkling eyes.

- You are different. - He's face was now getting closer and closer to mine.
- Wh-What are you doing? - I said while looking down and pushing him away with my hands on his chest.
- Haha, I'm just messing with you! - He said and then handed me the ball and got back to his place.
- THAT'S NOT FUNNY!! - I said and then threw him the ball.

He couldn't stop laughing and I couldn't stop smiling.

- Okay guys , you can now leave! - Our teacher said.
- Great! I'll visit Clair now! - I said.
- I'll go with you. - Damion stated. - I still don't want to go home so...
- Oh, okay! 

Chapter 6


Okay Beth! It’s time to show off my abilities! Don’t be jealous! – I told Beth before trying to get the ball inside the basket. I got in position, prepared my hands and...
- SCORE! - I jumped in happiness after the ball getting inside the basket. I looked at Beth and I could see she was smiling.
- Here, your turn. - I told Beth after handing her the ball. I could see she was positioning her hands wrong, but I wanted to see how it would go.

 After throwing the ball to the basket, I could see that she had almost scored, however, due to the fact of her hands being wrong positioned the ball didn't enter the basket.

- Damn it.. - I heard her whispering. She was disappointed. - Again! I can do it!

So she tried again and yet failed.

- I know what your problem is Beth. - I said after grabbing the ball that had fallen to the ground after she had thrown it. - You have to position your hands like this, see?
I showed her how my hands were positioned, my left hand grabbing the ball on the left side of it, while my right hand was below the ball so it would push it, and scored again.

- Oh I see...
- Now you try it! - I told her after giving her the ball.

Beth grabbed the ball, closed her eyes very concentrated, put her hands in position and, after throwing the ball to the basket, the ball didn't get in.

- I don't get it... I really don't! I did everything you said and the weirdest thing is that, normally, I can actually score, maybe it's just a case of luck... - She said with her head down disappointed with herself.

I got closer to her, put my hand on her shoulder and looked at her straight in the eyes.

- Don't get so down on yourself! You're strong, you can throw this ball to that damn basket! - I told her trying to motivate her.
- Yeah! - She  said after looking at me with her big brown eyes full of determination.

She grabbed the ball that was on the floor, got in position and...


She was now jumping up and down very happy, I was happy for her as well.
I could see some classmates of ours were shocked with her, she was being so loud.

- Thank you so much Damian! 
- You don't have to thank me! High Five!

She highfived me and we kept training. It's strange, the Beth I knew was just someone who people wouldn't even remember her name, she's different now. Is this the real Beth?


- Not like that Amy! - I told Amy a bit irritated. I had already explained to her how the hands should be positioned and yet she still couldn't position her hands right.
- I'm sorry... - She said sarcastically, I totally knew she was doing it on purpose. She would probably later tell our teacher that I can't explain things well.
- Listen Amy, if you don't want to do things right it's your problem, I'm trying to teach you how to insert a simple ball in the basket, but I see it's very hard for you.
- The problem is you. - She told me while glaring at me.
- Oh is it? Well go talk with the teacher because if I stay with you another minute I think I'll explode. But well whatever you should just go get another ball because since you can't stand me I'm going to train by myself.

As I was about to go a bit closer to the basket, I felt someone's hands on my back and suddenly I could feel my head on the ground. Someone had pushed me.
I could hear some people laughing, however, two voices stood out. Lisa's and Amy's.
- Clair! Are you okay? - I heard my teacher's voice. He was far away from the camp but he was on his way to get here.
- Oh sorry! Are you okay? - I heard Amy asking me with a sarcastic expression while giving me her hand.
- I don't need your help. Get away from me, you disgust me. - As I was about to get up I let out a scream, I could feel myself on the ground again. My foot hurt so much. I could feel tears in my eyes.

- Hahaha, look at her! She looks so stupid! - I heard Lisa's voice, she was probably talking with John.

How embarassing...

Get away from her Amy, I saw what you did to her. 

Wait... that voice... I know this voice.
Clair! Are you okay? I'll help you getting up. 

Suddenly I felt a big arm on my back and my arm around John's neck.

- Th-thank you John. - I said a bit in pain. I was still hanging on to him.
- Clair! Are you alright? - I heard it again but this time it was from Beth. I could see her, Damian and some other of my classmates arrive to my side.
- Move aside! Move aside!- My teacher had arrived. - John, take her to the ward, the others can go back to training!

sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2012

Chapter 5


English class had ended and I could finally buy something to eat. But, to be honest, I was a bit scared of even taking my wallet off my bag. David and Edward exaggerated a bit. I'm not poor, but I'm not rich either. How did they come up with the idea of me having so much money to begin with? Well it doesn't matter anyway... Thanks to Damian everything is alright now. I hope he won't get in trouble though. He's a really nice friend.

He is the first friend I have ever made... - I thought.

I had arrived to the cafeteria and I was waiting in line for my turn. What will I buy?

It was now my turn.
I kept looking and looking for something that would catch my eye and stomach.
- Good Morning! I'd like a chocolate milk and a muffin please. - I had finally decided.

I left the cafeteria and right now I was enjoying every bite of my muffin.
Eating is definitely one of the best pleasures in life. - I thought to myself. - Oh right! I'm going to have Physical Education now! I hope I won't throw up.
I just finished drinking my chocolate milk and finished eating my muffin really fast so I'd have time to change clothes.

Me and my classmates had just arrived to the locker room and starting changing our clothes.

- Hey Clair if I were you I wouldn't do P.E, you don't even need to do it, you just need to make the teacher like you so you'll have a nice grade! What's worth the effort? - Lisa, my stupid classmate asked the best student in our class. Clair was an amazing person and she was also a very good student! And because of her good grades there are lots of comments like this one from girls who are jealous of her, who always try to bring her down.

Lisa was a blonde girl, always covered in make-up, who always tries to bring everyone down around her so she can feel superior. She had already tried it with me, but since I had ignored her she stopped her stupid comments.

Clair was a black curly haired girl with a slight pale skin, always polite and very friendly of those around her. I wanted to be her friend, but I feel like I'd be annoying to her so... I just avoid the fear of rejection.

- Well Lisa, there's a difference between being well educated and being someone who is fake. I'm sorry you only know what being fake is. - Clair replied back to Lisa.

Everyone had gone quiet and a bit shocked at the answer. I started laughing, I couldn't hold it in, Lisa totally deserved that one.
Clair looked at me a bit surprised but then she started smiling.
- What are you laughing about four eyes? -  Amy,
Lisa's friend, asked me.
- I'm sorry, but that was well said. - I said with a sarcastic smile, shocked at myself for even being capable to reply back. Maybe Clair's influence was good to me.
- And also, her name isn't four eyes. Her name is Beth. - Clair told Amy.
- Girls! It's time to go! - Philip, our P.E teacher said behind our locker room's door. He was a slim man always cheerful and always ready to make us work really hard.

As we had arrived to the camp, I could see Damion and the rest of the boys on the other side.
- Hey girls, you will stay here now. - Our P.E teacher said as we were about to go to the other side where the boys were at.

What is he planning? - I thought.

Our teacher went to the other side and we could notice he was telling something to our opposite gender classmates.
While our teacher was talking to them I noticed Amy and Lisa whispering to each other something. I started having a bad feeling.

- Okay guys listen well! - Our teacher yelled at us in the middle of the camp.- Each of the boys will choose a girl to train with him basketball. Since they have more experience, maybe they can help you out with your difficulties. We'll have this type of class for 3 more classes! Alright?

As every girl was starting to get chosen, I could see I was being one of the last ones to get chosen. I was starting to get nervous and worried.

Only me, Clair, Lisa and Amy were left. Oh the irony…
Funny because I and Clair weren't bad basketball players, I guess boys choose girls according to affinities.

And it looks like we have a problem now. Since John and Damion are the last ones and there are 4 girls, our teacher said that two girls would have to pair up with each other. It was time for John to choose a girl.

- Well… I’ll choose Lisa. – Of course he would choose Lisa, everyone knows how he has a crush for Lisa, he tries everything to be with her and yet she treats him like a dog. It’s so frustrating.
We could see Lisa going away as if she was this big top model. Dear God..how did John fall for this girl? Boys are so weird…

- I choose Beth. – Damion said very carefree. Did he actually say my name? I thought he would pick someone else, after all he just got to know me now. I’m so happy! But oh no… Amy will be paired up with Clair… - I thought while going towards Damion.

-Thank you for picking me… - I told him with a smile.
- You’re welcome! We’re friends right? – Damion said while smiling as well.

I’m going to love P.E classes so much this year…


Oh great, me and Amy together? Really? I’m so lucky.
- Well, looks like it’s me and you. – Amy told me with a penetrating stare. She wasn’t very happy about this.

I just nodded at her, I was really upset with this as well.

- Now each pair go get a basketball ball and start training! – Our teacher said.

- I go get one. – I told her not very amused.

I could see Damion and Beth were getting along very well, I knew Beth wasn’t a bad person but I thought she was a bit anti-social. Today that changed for sure.
As I made way to get one of the balls that were in a box, I could see that there was a big amount of people trying to get a ball so I just waited until some of them left.

Well I’m going to get the ball now. I thought to myself after awhile.

Not this one…Not this one…

This one!
- This one!

When I had finally found a good ball, John, my classmate, had chosen that ball as well. We were both grabbing the same ball and looking at each other with a strange look. After all, we both had said in unison “This one”, it was funny.

- Oh sorry, you can take the ball. – I told him politely while pushing the ball to him.
- No really, you can keep it. I’ll choose another one. – He replied back while pushing the ball to me.
- Thank you. – I said smiling after accepting the ball.
- Now go teach Amy something, she really needs some practice. – John told me with a wink.
- JOHN! Hurry up! – I heard Lisa’s annoying voice. I hate how she treats other people. Especially John who treats her like a princess and she treats him like an inferior being.
- Well and you go teach Lisa something, it will be very hard but good luck. – I told him with a sarcastic smile.

He looked at me with his big blue eyes, maybe a bit shocked with my answer. But hey, I didn’t like Lisa.
I saw John getting another ball from the box and, for a moment I thought he wasn’t going to reply, I thought he probably had gotten upset, but then, he looked at me and started giggling. His laughter was contagious actually; it made giggle at myself as well.

- Thanks. – He replied back and then walked towards “princess” Lisa.

That was unexpectedI thought to myself while smiling.

And with that, I started making way towards Amy so we could start practicing.

sexta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2012

Chapter 4


I'm a coward ain't I? - I thought to myself.

“Take your hands off her.”

Those words couldn't leave my mind. Someone cared.

- Are you okay? Do you need anything?

I really am a coward. I couldn't protect myself, I couldn't talk, I couldn't do anything.
He probably thinks I'm weird.

- Well, don't worry they won't hurt you again.

For the first time, there was someone who noticed me, however, I just couldn't take my hands off my face. What was I scared of?
That's when I felt someone else's hands on mine, they were soft and warm, they were warming me up.

- You don't to need be afraid anymore, I'm here. - I heard Damion's voice. It made me feel so safe. His voice was like medicine, it cured my fears and insecurities.
He grabbed my hands and took them off my face.

-See? Everything's alright now. - He said with his big green eyes. I had never noticed how pretty his face was. His eyes...his dimples... his brown curly hair... I had never valued it, just like the people who don't value the sky.

- Damian...Thank you so much. - I said with a tear in my eye.
- You should have been a bit angrier with them as when you were angry with me yesterday! - He said while smiling.
- Well if I knew it had been you who had gone against me I'd probably say nothing... - I said while looking at the ground.
- Oh I see...
- How..How did you find me? - I asked him.
- Oh right! - He said while taking off a card off his pocket. - This! I found this on the ground today so I was waiting for you at school's front door.
-Oh! Thank you so much!- I said after he gave me my school's card.
- HEY YOU TWO! - The person at the school's front door yelled at us. - Are you skipping school?!

- Damn it.
- Damn it.

We looked at each other and started giggling. We both had said “Damn it” at the same time.


After the incident that occurred with David and Edward, me and Beth were both sent to the classroom right away. Well it was 8:50 when we were sent to the classroom, of course we were late but it wasn't a big deal. Besides, it was English class, one of those subjects where you don't really give a damn.
All of our classmates were looking at us while we were entering the classroom wondering what had happened to us.

- Are you alright Damian? - John asked me a bit worried.

John has been my best friend since were 10 years old. Everything is alright with John, you can barely see him sad or upset, he can always show a smile. He's also very popular with girls because of his blue eyes and blonde hair. I'm not that lucky with girls, they think I'm not mature enough.

- Yes, I'm alright don't worry John! - I said while giving him a slight punch on his shoulder. Just looking at his face can make me laugh already, this jerk was worried about me haha.

- Yeah yeah, after this class ends you have to tell me what happened douchbag. - John said while laughing. He is constantly laughing.

- Hey you two! Can I laugh as well? - Our english teacher, Ms. Clayton said. She's one of those teachers who are really sarcastic and can make the class funny. That's why we don't give too much importance to this class actually, we can learn while having fun. She uses these big red glasses and has brown straight hair showing off abit of her white hair.

- Sorry mam. - John apologized.

Chapter 3


- Damian, tomorrow a man will be co--
- Oh no, I won't be home when he gets here then. - I interrupted my mom. I totally knew what she was about to say “ A man will come over and I hope you respect him, I think he's the one.”
Don't you understand? I'm tired of having this talk with you Damian. You can't seem to understand that I need someone in my life, I need someone to help me, to love me.
- Jesus mom... you said the same thing when you were talking about the other 3 men you had dated. I already know the whole talk, I just don't think that this man will be any different and I think that I don't need to know him. At least not yet.
- You really are a teenager, you really don't care about my happiness don't you son?
- Wh-what? I'm not even going to keep up with this non-sense. - I said and left the dinner table.
- Damian! Come back here!

I climbed up the stairs and went to my room. I couldn't stand those kind of talks with my mom, it has always been like this since my dad abandoned us. He left us when I was 12 years old, which means...
5 years ago. My mom can't stand the thought of being alone, of having no one, of being single. But...does that mean I have to meet every single man she meets? It's been this way since forever. I'm tired of this crap. If I ever have kids one day, I won't ever , EVER, let my problems interfere with their lives.
Tomorrow I have no idea of what I'll do, but I won't be back home early that's for sure. If I see a man in my house once again I think I'll explode.
I started taking off my clothes and wearing my pijamas.

-Goodnight people who have problems with parents! - I said and then went to sleep.

On the next day, I woke up really early so I wouldn't have to face my mom. I arrived really early at school actually, it was 7 am and classes would only start at 8:30 am.

What to do now? - I asked myself. Maybe I'll just go to the library...There might be a book I might be interested in.

I went to the library and started looking at the books trying to find one that would catch my eye.
I kept searching and searching... NOTHING! Just like tv channels, so many channels and yet none to watch. Damn it. What will I do now?!
I had the idea of having a walk and, as I started walking, I saw something on the ground. As I took a closer look I could see it was a school card, without this card the person who had lost it wouldn't be able to enter school. That's when I saw the person's picture in the card. Oh! This is the girl from my class... What was her name again? I checked the name and her name was Beth Morris.
Oh yeah! Beth! I have to return this to her! I'll wait for her at school's front door, that way I can give her the card and she can enter school. It was now... 7:50 am. Okay! Let's wait a bit more then.
I took a look at the clock and it was now 8:15, there were lots of students entering school right now.

- Jesus... They all act like animals. - I stated when I saw some people pushing each other to see who would get in school first.

It was now 8:25 am and Beth wasn't still here.
Really? Cmon Beth... It's getting late now!
I waited a little bit longer and when I looked at the clock it was 8:35 am.

Okay Beth, I'm sorry but if you're not coming I'm going to class.
As I was about to leave school's front door I heard a guy's voice.
- We know you have money! That's probably one of the reasons why you don't even talk to anyone! You have everything don't you?!

What the hell is happening outside? - I thought. I got closer to the school's gates and I saw that in some meters away there were two guys and one girl. Is the girl in trouble?

Please...Just let me go! I don't have money with me I swear! - The girl said.

I have to help her!

I passed my school card in the school's front door and went outside, right now I could see the girl and the other two guys perfectly clear. I could see the guys were from school because I knew them, the guy on the girl's left was David, he was a bit chubby and a prankster, and the guy on the girl's right was Edward, a very slim guy and a prankster as well. David and Edward were best friends actually, sometimes I would hang out with them. And the girl...Wait a minute...THAT GIRL IS BETH!  I could totally recognize her because of her brown curly hair and her glasses.
Edward was grabbing her arm and I could see they were hurting her by her reaction. She was scared.

I started running towards them.
- Oh look if it isn't Damian! Hey Damian help us take this girl's money, she is pretty rich from what I heard! She could buy us lunch! - David said while glaring at her. It felt as if he wanted to eat her.
- Take your hands off her. - I said with a very serious expression.
- What? Cmon Damion! Don't worry she won't say a thing right my darling?! - Edward said while grabbing her arm more tightly.
- David, Edward, leave her alone. Don't you see she's scared? - I said while looking at Beth's scared expression.
- Oh what is this? Damion likes this girl?

I could see Edward had stopped grabbing Beth's arm and started looking at me along with David.

- Look Damion, we don't want to have problems. Leave and we won't hurt you. - David said.
- Please..don't hurt Damion... - Beth said.
- SHUT UP – David said while raising his fist at her.

When he had raised his fist I couldn't contain myself. I automatically punched him right in the face.
David had fallen to the ground and Edward was speechless. I could see Beth had put her hands in her face, maybe trying to hide the fear, maybe scared she might have gotten in trouble. Scared of getting hurt.

- Listen, I don't want problems with you two, just leave Beth alone.
I could see David standing up – You will regret this Damion! - Right after he had said that, both him and Edward left the place and went somewhere else but school.

I looked at Beth, I was worried about her, she couldn't take her hands off her face.

Chapter 2

Classes had now ended and I was making way to leave school.
I took a look at the sky, it was so pretty, so free.... but does anyone really value it? I think people just take it for granted and forget how beautiful it is. I think this can apply to people as well.
As I was almost returning home I saw a box on the ground, I thought it was just a random box but suddenly I heard a bark.
I took a closer look at the box and I saw a really small dog inside it.

- Aw you're so cute! - I said as I started petting him. He was a white baby labrador. - You were probably abandoned... Don't worry I know exactly what you feel.

As I said that the dog barked like he had agreed with me I couldn't help but giggling. - OH You're coming with me!
I picked up the dog and brought him to my home in my arms.
As I had put him in the ground he started smelling everything in the house. My house wasn't small I admit. Since my parents were both owners of a big factory I wasn't suffocating because of the crisis. We had enough money to do what we want but, to be honest, I think I'd rather be suffering because of the crisis than to be all alone all the time. Maybe I'd be a normal person like everyone else.
I kept looking at the dog, he was really cute, I won't feel lonely anymore.

-Well... You need a name... - I said as I looked at him. - OH but first let's see if you're male or female! What was I thinking?!

I grabbed him and took a look at his lower parts, yup he was male.

-Oh nice! You're male! Maybe you could be my prince charming. OH YES THAT WILL BE YOUR NAME! - I said loudly, I was so excited! - Not prince charming of course but, Prince, your name will be Prince! What do you think?

The dog barked as I asked him. - I knew you would like it! - I said while giggling and petting him.
- Now it's time for you to eat my prince! But I don't have anything here for you yet... Do you mind eating some rice? I hope not! Tomorrow I'll buy you the proper food!

As I started making rice I started thinking about my parents. They were always working, they would only be home 3 times a week, maybe that's one of the reasons I'm not an outgoing person. Well, at least I won't feel alone anymore! I have my Prince right here with me.

- The rice is ready! - I said as I put it on a plate for Prince.

He ate everything, I think he liked it.
I made a sandwich for myself and went to bed with Prince. He seemed to like my bed, he liked it so much he fell asleep really fast. I finished eating my sandwich and went to sleep as well.