
domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2012

Chapter 10


We had just arrived to the hospital. No one had said a thing yet.

Awkward... - I thought.

I understand Clair, after all, I didn't like Lisa and Amy either. They were sluts in my opinion. I don't understand what boys see in them, they are just stupid.
Me and Damion were now both helping Clair getting to the hospital, the front door was ahead of us.

- Guys... I'm sorry... I just...I feel so mad! - Clair said while looking at the ground.
I looked at her - I understand Clair, I felt Lisa and Amy being fake, I don't like them one bit.

Damion didn't say a thing, probably because of John. After all, they were best friends.
We were now in the hospital.
Damion and I saw a chair and helped Clair sitting there while we went looking for someone who could help us to set an appointment for her so she could make exams.
We went to the balcony and set an appointment with the lady who was there. She gave us a ticket so when it was our turn she would call us, she also called someone to give us a wheelchair so it would be easier for Clair and for us.
We went to Clair's side and sat on the chairs that were on her side as well. A nurse appeared with a wheelchair and helped Clair sitting on it. I noticed she was feeling better physically but not emotionally.

- Clair... are you okay? I know you're not alright when it comes to the foot but, I feel like you're very uncomfortable right now. Is it because of John? - I asked her.

Clair looked at me – I just... hate hospitals. It reminds me of how my mom died you know... This specific smell, the white walls, everything.

- I'm so sorry Clair... - I apologized while putting an arm around her shoulders. I wish I didn't ask anything.

Damion looked at the ground, and I could see he was uncomfortable too. After all, he left his best friend alone and came along with us. But... why did he come with us? He didn't talk much with Clair as well...
- Clair Florence. - A woman called.

A nurse came over to help her getting to the room.

The nurse looked at us - She'll return in awhile!

Me and Damion nodded.


My head was filled with thoughts about my mom, about John, about Tyler and about Beth.

Why am I feeling so protective over I looked at Beth – her?She suddenly caught me looking at her. I just looked away.

What am I doing?
- Damion... Why did you come with us? - She asked me curious – It's not that I want you here! Please don't think that, it's just... I know you've never talked much with Clair and … well... you just got to know me better today. Is there any reason in particular that you've come with us?

I looked at her and just … couldn't say a thing.

- Damion? Sorry... Maybe I shouldn't have asked... - She moved her curly hair out of her face and put it behind her ear.

- Don't apologize. I … well, you're right. I've only got to know you better today and I've never talked much with Clair...but...I consider you friends and I … - I looked at Beth – I'm having some problems with my mom.

I started to look at the ground, I don't like to talk much about my life to others but... somehow... I feel like I can talk with Beth about this. About me.

- I see... If you need someone to talk to I'll be here. - She said as she put her hand on my shoulder.

- Well... You see... I – I looked at Beth, and suddenly felt better, I don't know what it was, if it was just the simple fact that she was there and didn't mind listening to my problems or noticing her beautiful eyes behind those glasses she was wearing.

- Take off your glasses. - I told her.
She suddenly put her hands on her face. - What?My glasses? What for? - She asked confused.

-Just... do it.
She took off her glasses and kept them safe in her hands.
Her eyes were beautiful. They were brown but, even though it was such a regular color, her eyes made me feel safe. Those eyes made me feel calm, hopeful that everything would be alright.
I smiled – Thank you Beth. You have beautiful eyes.

- Oh... Well I don't know what I did but I'm glad I helped... And thank you Damion.- She said while giggling and looking at the ground. - You know I always thought my eyes were boring to be honest, brown is such a regular color, everyone has it! I … I wish I had the color of your eyes for an example. They are different, special. I love your eyes. - She suddenly looked at me and then turned away.

I couldn't help but to giggle. - Thank you. You know I think the color of the eyes doesn't matter much, what matters is the intensity of it. Your eyes are intense. I truly believe in the sentence “ The eyes are the soul's mirror.” you know... In the end the color doesn't matter. What matters is its expression.

She looked at me surprised by what I had said. Was I too cheesy?
I'm sorry! - I said while laughing. I was getting nervous for some reason.


AARGH – I stood up and started scratching my head with both hands. I turned my back on her. I couldn't look at her now. I just couldn't.
And suddenly I heard her laughter, but this time, it wasn't just a simple giggle, it was a really big laughter.

I turned around and saw her face. She was laughing so much.

- I'm sorry but you're so funny Damion!

For some reason that calmed me down and started laughing as well. However, this time, I wasn't laughing because I was nervous, I was laughing because of her. Because of her laughter, because of her smile.

- Well, don't mind me – She giggled – But now I'm going to wear my glasses again or else I won't be able to know if that's a chair – She pointed to the chair I was about to sit on again - or an elephant.
I smiled – Go ahead.

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