
sexta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2012

Chapter 3


- Damian, tomorrow a man will be co--
- Oh no, I won't be home when he gets here then. - I interrupted my mom. I totally knew what she was about to say “ A man will come over and I hope you respect him, I think he's the one.”
Don't you understand? I'm tired of having this talk with you Damian. You can't seem to understand that I need someone in my life, I need someone to help me, to love me.
- Jesus mom... you said the same thing when you were talking about the other 3 men you had dated. I already know the whole talk, I just don't think that this man will be any different and I think that I don't need to know him. At least not yet.
- You really are a teenager, you really don't care about my happiness don't you son?
- Wh-what? I'm not even going to keep up with this non-sense. - I said and left the dinner table.
- Damian! Come back here!

I climbed up the stairs and went to my room. I couldn't stand those kind of talks with my mom, it has always been like this since my dad abandoned us. He left us when I was 12 years old, which means...
5 years ago. My mom can't stand the thought of being alone, of having no one, of being single. But...does that mean I have to meet every single man she meets? It's been this way since forever. I'm tired of this crap. If I ever have kids one day, I won't ever , EVER, let my problems interfere with their lives.
Tomorrow I have no idea of what I'll do, but I won't be back home early that's for sure. If I see a man in my house once again I think I'll explode.
I started taking off my clothes and wearing my pijamas.

-Goodnight people who have problems with parents! - I said and then went to sleep.

On the next day, I woke up really early so I wouldn't have to face my mom. I arrived really early at school actually, it was 7 am and classes would only start at 8:30 am.

What to do now? - I asked myself. Maybe I'll just go to the library...There might be a book I might be interested in.

I went to the library and started looking at the books trying to find one that would catch my eye.
I kept searching and searching... NOTHING! Just like tv channels, so many channels and yet none to watch. Damn it. What will I do now?!
I had the idea of having a walk and, as I started walking, I saw something on the ground. As I took a closer look I could see it was a school card, without this card the person who had lost it wouldn't be able to enter school. That's when I saw the person's picture in the card. Oh! This is the girl from my class... What was her name again? I checked the name and her name was Beth Morris.
Oh yeah! Beth! I have to return this to her! I'll wait for her at school's front door, that way I can give her the card and she can enter school. It was now... 7:50 am. Okay! Let's wait a bit more then.
I took a look at the clock and it was now 8:15, there were lots of students entering school right now.

- Jesus... They all act like animals. - I stated when I saw some people pushing each other to see who would get in school first.

It was now 8:25 am and Beth wasn't still here.
Really? Cmon Beth... It's getting late now!
I waited a little bit longer and when I looked at the clock it was 8:35 am.

Okay Beth, I'm sorry but if you're not coming I'm going to class.
As I was about to leave school's front door I heard a guy's voice.
- We know you have money! That's probably one of the reasons why you don't even talk to anyone! You have everything don't you?!

What the hell is happening outside? - I thought. I got closer to the school's gates and I saw that in some meters away there were two guys and one girl. Is the girl in trouble?

Please...Just let me go! I don't have money with me I swear! - The girl said.

I have to help her!

I passed my school card in the school's front door and went outside, right now I could see the girl and the other two guys perfectly clear. I could see the guys were from school because I knew them, the guy on the girl's left was David, he was a bit chubby and a prankster, and the guy on the girl's right was Edward, a very slim guy and a prankster as well. David and Edward were best friends actually, sometimes I would hang out with them. And the girl...Wait a minute...THAT GIRL IS BETH!  I could totally recognize her because of her brown curly hair and her glasses.
Edward was grabbing her arm and I could see they were hurting her by her reaction. She was scared.

I started running towards them.
- Oh look if it isn't Damian! Hey Damian help us take this girl's money, she is pretty rich from what I heard! She could buy us lunch! - David said while glaring at her. It felt as if he wanted to eat her.
- Take your hands off her. - I said with a very serious expression.
- What? Cmon Damion! Don't worry she won't say a thing right my darling?! - Edward said while grabbing her arm more tightly.
- David, Edward, leave her alone. Don't you see she's scared? - I said while looking at Beth's scared expression.
- Oh what is this? Damion likes this girl?

I could see Edward had stopped grabbing Beth's arm and started looking at me along with David.

- Look Damion, we don't want to have problems. Leave and we won't hurt you. - David said.
- Please..don't hurt Damion... - Beth said.
- SHUT UP – David said while raising his fist at her.

When he had raised his fist I couldn't contain myself. I automatically punched him right in the face.
David had fallen to the ground and Edward was speechless. I could see Beth had put her hands in her face, maybe trying to hide the fear, maybe scared she might have gotten in trouble. Scared of getting hurt.

- Listen, I don't want problems with you two, just leave Beth alone.
I could see David standing up – You will regret this Damion! - Right after he had said that, both him and Edward left the place and went somewhere else but school.

I looked at Beth, I was worried about her, she couldn't take her hands off her face.

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