
domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2012

Chapter 6


Okay Beth! It’s time to show off my abilities! Don’t be jealous! – I told Beth before trying to get the ball inside the basket. I got in position, prepared my hands and...
- SCORE! - I jumped in happiness after the ball getting inside the basket. I looked at Beth and I could see she was smiling.
- Here, your turn. - I told Beth after handing her the ball. I could see she was positioning her hands wrong, but I wanted to see how it would go.

 After throwing the ball to the basket, I could see that she had almost scored, however, due to the fact of her hands being wrong positioned the ball didn't enter the basket.

- Damn it.. - I heard her whispering. She was disappointed. - Again! I can do it!

So she tried again and yet failed.

- I know what your problem is Beth. - I said after grabbing the ball that had fallen to the ground after she had thrown it. - You have to position your hands like this, see?
I showed her how my hands were positioned, my left hand grabbing the ball on the left side of it, while my right hand was below the ball so it would push it, and scored again.

- Oh I see...
- Now you try it! - I told her after giving her the ball.

Beth grabbed the ball, closed her eyes very concentrated, put her hands in position and, after throwing the ball to the basket, the ball didn't get in.

- I don't get it... I really don't! I did everything you said and the weirdest thing is that, normally, I can actually score, maybe it's just a case of luck... - She said with her head down disappointed with herself.

I got closer to her, put my hand on her shoulder and looked at her straight in the eyes.

- Don't get so down on yourself! You're strong, you can throw this ball to that damn basket! - I told her trying to motivate her.
- Yeah! - She  said after looking at me with her big brown eyes full of determination.

She grabbed the ball that was on the floor, got in position and...


She was now jumping up and down very happy, I was happy for her as well.
I could see some classmates of ours were shocked with her, she was being so loud.

- Thank you so much Damian! 
- You don't have to thank me! High Five!

She highfived me and we kept training. It's strange, the Beth I knew was just someone who people wouldn't even remember her name, she's different now. Is this the real Beth?


- Not like that Amy! - I told Amy a bit irritated. I had already explained to her how the hands should be positioned and yet she still couldn't position her hands right.
- I'm sorry... - She said sarcastically, I totally knew she was doing it on purpose. She would probably later tell our teacher that I can't explain things well.
- Listen Amy, if you don't want to do things right it's your problem, I'm trying to teach you how to insert a simple ball in the basket, but I see it's very hard for you.
- The problem is you. - She told me while glaring at me.
- Oh is it? Well go talk with the teacher because if I stay with you another minute I think I'll explode. But well whatever you should just go get another ball because since you can't stand me I'm going to train by myself.

As I was about to go a bit closer to the basket, I felt someone's hands on my back and suddenly I could feel my head on the ground. Someone had pushed me.
I could hear some people laughing, however, two voices stood out. Lisa's and Amy's.
- Clair! Are you okay? - I heard my teacher's voice. He was far away from the camp but he was on his way to get here.
- Oh sorry! Are you okay? - I heard Amy asking me with a sarcastic expression while giving me her hand.
- I don't need your help. Get away from me, you disgust me. - As I was about to get up I let out a scream, I could feel myself on the ground again. My foot hurt so much. I could feel tears in my eyes.

- Hahaha, look at her! She looks so stupid! - I heard Lisa's voice, she was probably talking with John.

How embarassing...

Get away from her Amy, I saw what you did to her. 

Wait... that voice... I know this voice.
Clair! Are you okay? I'll help you getting up. 

Suddenly I felt a big arm on my back and my arm around John's neck.

- Th-thank you John. - I said a bit in pain. I was still hanging on to him.
- Clair! Are you alright? - I heard it again but this time it was from Beth. I could see her, Damian and some other of my classmates arrive to my side.
- Move aside! Move aside!- My teacher had arrived. - John, take her to the ward, the others can go back to training!

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