
sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2012

Chapter 5


English class had ended and I could finally buy something to eat. But, to be honest, I was a bit scared of even taking my wallet off my bag. David and Edward exaggerated a bit. I'm not poor, but I'm not rich either. How did they come up with the idea of me having so much money to begin with? Well it doesn't matter anyway... Thanks to Damian everything is alright now. I hope he won't get in trouble though. He's a really nice friend.

He is the first friend I have ever made... - I thought.

I had arrived to the cafeteria and I was waiting in line for my turn. What will I buy?

It was now my turn.
I kept looking and looking for something that would catch my eye and stomach.
- Good Morning! I'd like a chocolate milk and a muffin please. - I had finally decided.

I left the cafeteria and right now I was enjoying every bite of my muffin.
Eating is definitely one of the best pleasures in life. - I thought to myself. - Oh right! I'm going to have Physical Education now! I hope I won't throw up.
I just finished drinking my chocolate milk and finished eating my muffin really fast so I'd have time to change clothes.

Me and my classmates had just arrived to the locker room and starting changing our clothes.

- Hey Clair if I were you I wouldn't do P.E, you don't even need to do it, you just need to make the teacher like you so you'll have a nice grade! What's worth the effort? - Lisa, my stupid classmate asked the best student in our class. Clair was an amazing person and she was also a very good student! And because of her good grades there are lots of comments like this one from girls who are jealous of her, who always try to bring her down.

Lisa was a blonde girl, always covered in make-up, who always tries to bring everyone down around her so she can feel superior. She had already tried it with me, but since I had ignored her she stopped her stupid comments.

Clair was a black curly haired girl with a slight pale skin, always polite and very friendly of those around her. I wanted to be her friend, but I feel like I'd be annoying to her so... I just avoid the fear of rejection.

- Well Lisa, there's a difference between being well educated and being someone who is fake. I'm sorry you only know what being fake is. - Clair replied back to Lisa.

Everyone had gone quiet and a bit shocked at the answer. I started laughing, I couldn't hold it in, Lisa totally deserved that one.
Clair looked at me a bit surprised but then she started smiling.
- What are you laughing about four eyes? -  Amy,
Lisa's friend, asked me.
- I'm sorry, but that was well said. - I said with a sarcastic smile, shocked at myself for even being capable to reply back. Maybe Clair's influence was good to me.
- And also, her name isn't four eyes. Her name is Beth. - Clair told Amy.
- Girls! It's time to go! - Philip, our P.E teacher said behind our locker room's door. He was a slim man always cheerful and always ready to make us work really hard.

As we had arrived to the camp, I could see Damion and the rest of the boys on the other side.
- Hey girls, you will stay here now. - Our P.E teacher said as we were about to go to the other side where the boys were at.

What is he planning? - I thought.

Our teacher went to the other side and we could notice he was telling something to our opposite gender classmates.
While our teacher was talking to them I noticed Amy and Lisa whispering to each other something. I started having a bad feeling.

- Okay guys listen well! - Our teacher yelled at us in the middle of the camp.- Each of the boys will choose a girl to train with him basketball. Since they have more experience, maybe they can help you out with your difficulties. We'll have this type of class for 3 more classes! Alright?

As every girl was starting to get chosen, I could see I was being one of the last ones to get chosen. I was starting to get nervous and worried.

Only me, Clair, Lisa and Amy were left. Oh the irony…
Funny because I and Clair weren't bad basketball players, I guess boys choose girls according to affinities.

And it looks like we have a problem now. Since John and Damion are the last ones and there are 4 girls, our teacher said that two girls would have to pair up with each other. It was time for John to choose a girl.

- Well… I’ll choose Lisa. – Of course he would choose Lisa, everyone knows how he has a crush for Lisa, he tries everything to be with her and yet she treats him like a dog. It’s so frustrating.
We could see Lisa going away as if she was this big top model. Dear God..how did John fall for this girl? Boys are so weird…

- I choose Beth. – Damion said very carefree. Did he actually say my name? I thought he would pick someone else, after all he just got to know me now. I’m so happy! But oh no… Amy will be paired up with Clair… - I thought while going towards Damion.

-Thank you for picking me… - I told him with a smile.
- You’re welcome! We’re friends right? – Damion said while smiling as well.

I’m going to love P.E classes so much this year…


Oh great, me and Amy together? Really? I’m so lucky.
- Well, looks like it’s me and you. – Amy told me with a penetrating stare. She wasn’t very happy about this.

I just nodded at her, I was really upset with this as well.

- Now each pair go get a basketball ball and start training! – Our teacher said.

- I go get one. – I told her not very amused.

I could see Damion and Beth were getting along very well, I knew Beth wasn’t a bad person but I thought she was a bit anti-social. Today that changed for sure.
As I made way to get one of the balls that were in a box, I could see that there was a big amount of people trying to get a ball so I just waited until some of them left.

Well I’m going to get the ball now. I thought to myself after awhile.

Not this one…Not this one…

This one!
- This one!

When I had finally found a good ball, John, my classmate, had chosen that ball as well. We were both grabbing the same ball and looking at each other with a strange look. After all, we both had said in unison “This one”, it was funny.

- Oh sorry, you can take the ball. – I told him politely while pushing the ball to him.
- No really, you can keep it. I’ll choose another one. – He replied back while pushing the ball to me.
- Thank you. – I said smiling after accepting the ball.
- Now go teach Amy something, she really needs some practice. – John told me with a wink.
- JOHN! Hurry up! – I heard Lisa’s annoying voice. I hate how she treats other people. Especially John who treats her like a princess and she treats him like an inferior being.
- Well and you go teach Lisa something, it will be very hard but good luck. – I told him with a sarcastic smile.

He looked at me with his big blue eyes, maybe a bit shocked with my answer. But hey, I didn’t like Lisa.
I saw John getting another ball from the box and, for a moment I thought he wasn’t going to reply, I thought he probably had gotten upset, but then, he looked at me and started giggling. His laughter was contagious actually; it made giggle at myself as well.

- Thanks. – He replied back and then walked towards “princess” Lisa.

That was unexpectedI thought to myself while smiling.

And with that, I started making way towards Amy so we could start practicing.

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